To empower and promote the well-being of families, child care providers, and the greater community through financial and support services.
For 50 years, CDA has reimbursed thousands of child care providers for subsidized services through the Alternative Payment Program and nutritious meals through the California Adult and Child Care Food Program. Since 2020, CDA has distributed millions of dollars in stipends, grants, and supplemental payments to child care providers to support the stability and growth of their business.
In October 2023, CDA was contracted by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to issue the one-time Transitional Subsidy Payments and Cost of Care Plus Rate Payments to eligible Stage One and Bridge Program child care providers in California whose County of Human Services Department unable provide those payments.
In July 2024, CDA was contracted by CDSS to recover, redistribute, and disburse unspent American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and General Fund stipend funding.
- To access the Child Care Bulletin (CCB) 24-15 and 24-15E, click here.
- To access the CDSS website, click here.
Supplemental Rate Payment Program
In October 2023, CDA was contracted by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to issue the one-time Transitional Subsidy Payments (TSP) and Cost of Care Plus Rate Payments to eligible Stage One and Bridge Program child care providers in California whose County of Human Services Department unable provide those payments.

Our Office
180 Otay Lakes Road
Suite 310
Bonita, CA 91902